Description of the incident

Detailed description of the incident:
1) the place, time and circumstances of the incident
2) the people involved in the incident
3) whether the incident is a one-off or a long standing one (how long has it been going on),
4) if the event describes the violation of an internal policy, the name of that policy
5) if the event describes a violation of law, indicate which law is involved (e.g. name of the law)
6) any other additional relevant information that will help us process the report. Was the incident reported to the authority?

Reporting person:

The Company protects the personal information of reporters and others whose information appears in the content of the report, but if you wish to remain anonymous, please tick the appropriate box. However, please note that we will not be able to provide you with feedback if you do not provide contact details.

Information clause

Information clause for the "report abuse" form
Your personal data will be processed when you fill in the form.

Was the incident reported to the authority?

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